Aronson, Jerry
Jerry Aronson’s films include the 1978 Academy Award-nominated film, The Divided Trail, which follows the lives of four Native Americans who lived in the urban heart of Chicago. The film […]
Jerry Aronson’s films include the 1978 Academy Award-nominated film, The Divided Trail, which follows the lives of four Native Americans who lived in the urban heart of Chicago. The film […]
Dave Harp has published five books of photography on the Bay with essays by Tom Horton. His stunning photography has graced the pages of the New York Times Magazine, Smithsonian, […]
Tom Horton covered the environment for The Baltimore Sun for 35 years. He has written eight books about the Chesapeake Bay. His honors include the John Burroughs Award for the […]
Dmitry Vysotskiy was born in Leningrad and studied theatre, screenwriting, animation and directing at the St. Petersburg University of Culture and the Arts (SPBGUKI). He has directed numerous music videos, […]
Wenonah Hauter is the founder and Executive Director of Food & Water Watch. She has worked extensively on food, water, energy and environmental issues at the national, state and local […]
Benjamin Steger is a filmmaker and educator, working in documentary, fiction, and experimental forms. His most recent documentary, Stage Four: A Love Story, won the 2016 Best International Feature Length […]
John (JD) Talasek is the director of Cultural Programs of the National Academy of Sciences (CPNAS), Washington, D.C., which is focused on the exploration of the intersections between science, medicine, […]
Brent Blackwelder, PhD, has been an influential environmental advocate for more than 40 years. He is the founder of the Environmental Policy Center and the Environmental Policy Institute, past President […]
Tom Tidwell, Chief, U.S. Forest Service Tom Tidwell became the Chief of U.S. Forest Service in 2009 and is focused on implementing the Secretary of Agriculture’s vision for America’s forests, […]
Christopher G. Miller has served as Piedmont Environmental Council (PEC) President since January 1, 1996. He is an attorney with expertise in environmental and transportation policy. Mr. Miller is responsible […]