Power of the Paddle

After discovering how oysters filter 50 gallons of water a day, Chris Hopkinson wondered what Maryland could do to put oysters more in the Chesapeake Bay. If he could get […]

Wildlife Killing Contests

Wildlife Killing Contests are competitions where the goal is to kill as many predator species as possible, within a set time frame, in order to win money and prizes. Wolves, […]

How to Count a Wolf

Wolves are recolonizing Washington State. How to Count a Wolf follows three wildlife biologists who try to find them as they get here. Learn about the methods they use, and […]

White Whale, Gold Mine

Featuring music by Portugal. The Man and narrated by Zach Carothers, White Whale, Gold Mine shines a light on the importance of beluga whales to Alaskans and the Alaskan ecosystem. […]

Waters That Heal Us

A short documentary about the National Capital Chapter of Project Healing Waters, a group that takes veterans on therapeutic fly fishing trips.  

Outlaw Ocean: Trouble In West Africa

As part of his acclaimed series The Outlaw Ocean, Pulitzer-Prize winning journalist Ian Urbina travels to The Gambia in West Africa to investigate reports of the mysterious disappearance of the […]

Shepherd’s Song

Growing up in San Francisco, Jenya saw the world around her changing and after the death of both her parents, she became desperate to find a sense of belonging and […]

Nature’s Fear Factor

A bold experiment to bring fierce African wild dogs back to Gorongosa National Park in Mozambique reveals how predators – and the fear they trigger – play a surprising and […]

Hidden Wild

Behind the homes and freeways of suburban Palm Beach County, an incredible network of swamps, scrub, and waterways lies waiting to be discovered. Hidden Wild follows science educator Alex Freeze […]

Playing With Sharks

A true pioneer in both underwater filmmaking and shark research, Valerie Taylor is a living legend and icon in the underwater world whose life’s work has become the basis for […]