Becker, Eric

Eric Becker is a film director based in Idaho. Eric’s work strives to communicate issues of social justice, conservation, human rights, and adventure. His pieces have been seen in festivals, […]

Nascimento, Fabio

Fabio Nascimento is a documentary photographer and filmmaker who has worked for National Geographic, Greenpeace, Doctors without Borders, The New York Times, and a variety of other venues, producing stories […]

Ellen Osborne

Ms. Osborne earned a MFA in film from San Francisco State University. She received a Student Academy Award for her graduation film, Clowning Around. After graduation, she went on to […]

Christi Lowe

Christi Lowe is a mom, a former military wife, an Emmy Award-winning journalist, and the owner of Christi Lowe Productions. Christi started her career as a television reporter and spent […]

Stash Wislocki

Stash Wislocki has been working in film and television for two decades. His credits include HBO, NBC, CNN, Giraffe Partners, Warrior Poets, Felt Soul Media, ESPN, Reel Thing and Apple. […]

Isaac Kerlow

Isaac Kerlow (Director, HAZE) is an independent filmmaker, artist and writer who has lived in Asia for over 10 years. Many of his recent projects are inspired by natural hazards […]

Losin, Neil

Neil Losin is a filmmaker based in Pennsylvania, USA. He is a Senior Producer and co-founder of Day’s Edge Productions, where he and Nate Dappen lead a team that produces […]

Dappen, Nathan

Nate Dappen is a biologist, photographer, and filmmaker based in San Diego, CA. He studied the Ibiza Wall Lizard in grad school at the University of Miami, earning his Ph.D. […]

Tim Persinko

Tim’s journey in media began with an internship at the New York NPR station WNYC, followed by a technician job with CNN, later a short stint as a stringer for […]

David Freid

David Freid is an award winning filmmaker and journalist who has contributed to National Geographic, NBC, The New York Times, Vanity Fair, The Atlantic, and VICE, among others. Most recently, […]