This is the true story of Luna, a young orca who, at age two, became separated from his large family, “like a child in a supermarket,” and was stranded in Nootka Sound, an ultra scenic area on the west coast of Vancouver Island. Snuggling up to boats, making noises and inviting eager humans to pet him and even feel his tongue, Luna appears to be as friendly and irresistible as a big dog. The film’s commentary touches on how speculation about human contact with other species has focused far more on possible communication with aliens from another world than with other species on Earth or in the sea. The Whale celebrates the life of a smart, friendly, determined, transcendent being from the other world of the sea who appeared among us like a promise out of the blue, proving that the greatest secrets in life are still to be discovered. Narrated by Ryan Reynolds. Directed by Michael Parfit. Produced by Suzanne Chisholm.