The thrilling inside story of National Geographic’s top “Discovery of the Decade,” the discovery of gravitational waves from deep space, which opened up the 95% of the universe that has been dark to our existing observatories and space telescopes. It’s the violent “warped side” of the universe predicted by Einstein — colliding black holes and crashing neutron stars — but never seen before. A thousand rebel scientists around the world risked their careers on a 50-year, $1 billion search. The discovery earned the documentary’s three principal characters (including Kip Thorne, executive producer of Interstellar), the 2017 Nobel Prize in Physics.


Additional viewing: The World Science Festival’s main stage LIGO panel in 2016, produced by Les Guthman. Four of the film’s principle characters are onstage with Brian Greene – future Nobel Prize winners Rai Weiss and Barry Barish, LIGO’s MacArthur Fellow Nergis Mavalvala, and MIT physicist David Shoemaker. Watch it here.


2019 US 82 min
Festival Year: 2020
Director: Les Guthman
Types: Documentary, Feature, Free, Watch Now
Topic: Technology & Science

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