I, Destini
An animated documentary that explores the poignant and imaginative illustrations of a young woman grappling with the effects of having an incarcerated brother. Directed by Destini Riley and Nicholas Pilarski. […]
An animated documentary that explores the poignant and imaginative illustrations of a young woman grappling with the effects of having an incarcerated brother. Directed by Destini Riley and Nicholas Pilarski. […]
Spirits of Rebellion documents the lives and work of a small group of critically acclaimed, but as of yet relatively unknown group of black filmmakers and media artists known as […]
The Prison in Twelve Landscapes is a non-fiction film about the prison in which we never see an actual penitentiary. A meditation on the prison’s disappearance in the era of […]
This first American feature by an African American woman to receive general theatrical release was named to the National Film Registry in 2004. Exploring the Gullah culture of the sea […]