Lysander’s Song

What does the future of the elephant have to do with the future of childhood? Everything. Combining wildlife footage with the concerns and legends of indigenous people in Kenya, the […]

Aral: The Lost Sea

Once the world’s fourth-largest inland body of water, the Aral Sea is now a notorious example of ecological calamity. Retreating over the last 50 years after the rivers that fed […]

Sanctuary: The Last Stand for Sharks

The Bahamas have played a key role in the global movement to protect sharks from extinction and marine protections to ensure that these magnificent creatures will help keep our environment […]

Radioactive Wolves

After the explosion of the Chernobyl nuclear reactor on April 26, 1986, around 340,000 people were displaced from the exclusion zone of Chernobyl, which stretches from Ukraine into Belarus and […]

Platypus in the Tropics

Called “the world’s most bizarre creature,” the platypus is endemic to eastern Australia, living in the tropical rainforests of North Queensland, as well as in the southeastern temperate regions of […]

Transcending Boundaries

Straddling the border between the United States and Canada, Waterton-Glacier International Peace Park is a critical ecosystem within The Crown of the Continent, one of the premier mountain regions of […]

Jean-Michel Cousteau’s Secret Ocean 3D

Jean-Michel Cousteau, son of ocean pioneer Jacques Cousteau, has been exploring Earth’s oceans for nearly 70 years. Now, with revolutionary equipment, Cousteau brings to 3D screens a breakthrough look at […]

Vanishing of the Bees

Honeybees have been mysteriously disappearing across the planet, literally vanishing from their hives. Known as Colony Collapse Disorder, this phenomenon has brought beekeepers to crisis in an industry responsible for […]


In the forested depths of eastern Congo lies Virunga National Park, one of the most bio-diverse places in the world and home to the last of the mountain gorillas. In […]

Ecosystems, War and Climate Change

Four scientists describe the impact of climate change on wildlife and fragile ecosystems, and underline the destructive role of warfare in undermining our capacity to protect and sustain our essential […]