E.O. Wilson: Of Ants and Men

When biologist E.O. Wilson discovered in the 1960s that ants use pheromones to structure their complex societies, he opened the door to a vastly expanded sense of our environment – […]

Puffin Patrol

On the remote coastlines of Maine, Wales, and Newfoundland, scientists observe the annual life cycle of the Atlantic Puffin to discover what this intriguing little bird can teach us about […]


A most peculiar crime spree is spreading across the UK. A rash of egg thieves raiding the nests of rare birds has precipitated a police initiative named “Operation Easter,” which […]

Osprey: Marine Sentinel

The recovery of the osprey population after population damage due to environmental contaminants is one of the great conservation successes of our time. Osprey: Marine Sentinel tells the story through […]


Off the south coast of Australia, foxes have taken over an island sanctuary home to the world’s smallest penguins, damaging their population. But an eccentric chicken farmer and his precocious […]

Monkey Kingdom

In the Sri Lankan jungle, a newborn monkey and its mother struggle to survive within the competitive social hierarchy of the Temple Troop, a group of macaques living in a […]


At 85, Morag lives in the house where she was born, perched on a seaside cliff in the Outer Hebrides. She tends sheep and muses about what remains for her, […]

Bluebird Man

Winner of the 2016 Eric Moe Sustainability Film Award! People call Al Larson “The Bluebird Man” for good reason:  at 92, this self-taught conservationist has dedicated 35 years of his […]

Blood Lions

Under the cover of legal loopholes and “wildlife sanctuary” fronts, breeding facilities in South Africa raise lions in captivity to be shot at close range by the highest bidder. In […]