City Under the Sea

Beneath the waves lies a city where predators pillage, impostors loot and con artists dupe competitors. Dive below for an epic exploration of the most densely populated city on earth. […]

Add One Back

The story of why one vegetarian decides to add aquaculture oysters to his diet. The foundation of the Chesapeake Bay ecosystem, oyster populations total less than one percent of historic […]

City Made From the Sky

The groundbreaking architect, Lee Kuan Yew, narrates Singapore’s audacious attempt to recreate nature and clean the city’s drinking water, rivers and marina. A combination of images and video clips illustrates […]

Acid Ocean

Marine scientists across the world are racing to tackle the most urgent environmental challenge facing our planet today – ocean acidification. From the icy polar seas to the world’s most […]

Legends of the Deep: The Giant Squid

Scientists know the enigmatic Giant Squid can reach amazing lengths of up to 18 meters, yet they have never been viewed in their natural habitat. Until now. Using two state-of-the-art […]

Invisible Ocean: Plankton and Plastic

  Sci-artist Mara Haseltine finds an unsettling presence in samples of plankton she collects during a Tara Oceans exhibition. This presence is borne from land to sea, and is a […]

Ice and the Sky (Work In Progress)

Drilling down the Antarctic ice fields in the 1950s, French glaciologist Claude Lorius brought about a sweeping change in our vision of the world when he discovered the effects of […]