Ranger and Leopard

Jackson Hole Wildlife Film Festival Winners Halvani’, a hard-working ranger hears about the presence of a Persian Leopard in area under his protection in Isfahan (a city in central Iran). […]


Can you imagine how far we could go if everyone came together to protect our natural world? Saba: The Unspoiled Queen shows that when a community comes together to protect […]

Game Changers

The world of an Ultimate Fighting Championship competitor is turned upside down when a group of world-renowned athletes and scientists demonstrate that most of what he had been taught about […]

Silas (William W. Warner Award Winner)

Liberian activist, Silas Siakor is a tireless crusader, fighting to crush corruption and environmental destruction in the country he loves. Through the focus on one country, Silas is a global […]


Manolo leads a simple life in the south of Spain. He has two loves: his animals, in particular his donkey Gorrión (“Sparrow”), and taking long wanders through nature. Against the […]

Thank You for the Rain

Over the last five years Kisilu, a smallholder farmer in Kenya has filmed the life of his family, village and the impact of climate change by floods, droughts and storms, […]


Presented with the Global Foundation for Democracy and Development (GFDD) and the Dominican Republic Environmental Film Festival (DREFF) Preceded by the short film Aristolochias of Haiti Five fishermen from Manresa, […]

From the Ashes

From the Ashes captures Americans in communities across the country as they wrestle with the legacy of the coal industry and what  its  future  should  be  under  the  Trump  Administration.  From […]

Plastic Planet

We live in the Age of Plastic. It’s cheap and practical, and it’s everywhere – even in our blood. But is it a danger to us? This feisty, informative documentary […]


Around the globe, there is a massive commercial rush for farmland – the new green gold. One of the most profitable new spots for farming is Ethiopia. Dead Donkeys Fear […]