Festival Year: Array
Roque Sevilla
Roles: Special Guest
Roque Sevilla of Quito, Ecuador, is the former President of the Yasuní-ITT Initiative Presidential Commission. He is the chief executive officer of Grupo Futuro, an insurance, tourism, and agriculture holding company, as well as the chairman of the Ecuadorian chamber of tourism. He is a founder, former board chairman, and director of Fundación Natura, Ecuador’s most prominent conservation organization. A leader in designing and implementing debt-swap arrangements, he engineered Ecuador’s $10 million debt-for-nature program, working with Ecuador’s Central Bank and uniting the financial and conservation communities in Ecuador to support the country’s wildlife and wild lands. He was Director of the Forest Service in Ecuador’s Ministry of Agriculture. has served on the board of the World Wildlife Fund-US and the Charles Darwin Foundation for the Galapagos Islands; he has also served as mayor of Quito and was city council member. Roque Sevilla received a master’s degree in public administration from the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University.
Festival Year: Array