Festival Year: 2017

Sarah Davidson Evanega

Roles: Panelist

Sarah Davidson Evanega serves as International Professor of Plant Breeding (adjunct) and Senior Associate Director of International Programs of the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at Cornell University. She is the Sr. Associate Director of the Durable Rust Resistance in Wheat Project a 66 million dollar project funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the UK Department for International Development that is based in International Programs (IP-CALS) at Cornell University, but involves project partners from over 20 institutions around the world, all working together to protect the world’s wheat from stem rust. She teaches courses on plant biotechnology and scientific writing and is particularly concerned about strengthening leadership development programs in developing countries where IP-CALS works. Sarah also leads IP-CALS gender working group, AWARE (Advancing Women in Agriculture through Research and Education). She received her PhD in the field of Plant Biology from Cornell University. Her primary research focuses on the controversy around biotechnology in developing countries.

Festival Year: 2017


Food Evolution

(US, 2016, 92min)