Festival Year: 2020
Alex Moen
Roles: Special Guest
Alex Moen is vice president of Explorer Programs at the National Geographic Society. He leads a team focused on developing and implementing explorer-led programs across various disciplines, designed to raise awareness around important topics and issues and to engage a broad audience to care and act. They include National Geographic’s Big Cats Initiative, aimed at halting the decline in lion and other predator populations, the Pristine Seas project, which focuses on saving the last wild places in the ocean, and the Genographic Project, a landmark study that uses DNA as a tool to map how humans populated the planet. Prior to joining the National Geographic Society, Alex was a manager at A.T. Kearney, a management consulting firm, and served in the U.S. Army as an officer in a tank battalion based in Germany. Alex has been an integral part of the PopTech community and Fellows program for many years.
Festival Year: 2020