Festival Year: 2022, 2016


Al Larson

Roles: Special Guest, Subject

“I am not quite over-the-hill yet. I prefer to think I’m on top looking down on the other side at the good things ahead.” – Al Larson

Al Larson is a 93-year-old citizen scientist from Southwestern Idaho where he monitors and maintains over 300 nest boxes for bluebirds.  Al began his work in bluebird conservation late in life – when he set up his first nest boxes he had already served in World War 2, raised a family, and worked for many years at a sawmill.  This retirement project has truly become Al’s lifework however, and after 38 years of monitoring his bluebird trails, he has amassed an impressive and extremely valuable data set, not to mention a truly unique perspective on the world.

Festival Year: 2022, 2016


Bluebird Man

(US, 2014, 28min)
Director: Neil Paprocki