Festival Year: 2017
Alice Hill
Roles: Panelist
Retired Judge Alice C. Hill’s work focuses on building resilience to the destabilizing impacts of climate change. Prior to joining the Hoover Institution as a research fellow, she served in the Obama administration as Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director for Resilience Policy for the National Security Council. While at the White House, Judge Hill led the development of national policy regarding national security and climate change, incorporation of climate resilience considerations into international development, Federal efforts in the Arctic, building national capabilities for long-term drought resilience, and establishment of national risk management standards for 3 of the most damaging natural hazards. In addition, she led the DHS Task Force responsible for creating the first ever climate adaptation plans for the Department. Before joining President Obama’s administration, Judge Hill served as Supervising Judge on both the Superior and Municipal Courts in Los Angeles and as Chief of the white-collar crime prosecution unit in the Los Angeles United States Attorney’s Office.
Festival Year: 2017