In a remote community where life is cheap and people struggle to survive, one small Aboriginal boy shows how courage can conquer even the greatest odds. This narrative film tells the fictional story of Pete, a 12-year-old Aboriginal boy, who lives with his elderly grandfather in an abandoned outdoor cinema in the outback town of Wyndham. When his grandfather’s home is threatened with demolition, Pete sees his world in jeopardy and sets off for the city. Joined by his friend Wayne, the two boys walk through rugged and remote Kimberley country and when they get lost in the bush, they discover true friendship that transcends their mundane world. The boys make it back to town by the demolition deadline for the old outdoor cinema, find its owner and convince him to change his plans. It may seem like a small thing, but it changes the world for themselves, their families and their community. Directed by Catriona McKenzie.