The Salmon Forest is a 30-minute documentary film that explores the connection between wild salmon and life in the Tongass, America’s largest National Forest. The film follows salmon on their epic migration from the streams of the forest, to the ocean and back, revealing the various lives they impact along the way. Pull in a huge catch with commercial fishermen, explore the breathtaking landscapes that draw in millions, watch as a mother bear lunges into a stream to feed her cubs, visit a native Tlingit community to better understand salmon’s cultural significance, and meet the people who are working day and night to ensure this public resource is protected for generations to come. Filmed in stunning ultra high definition, The Salmon Forest highlights one of the last great wild homes for salmon on earth while provoking a deeper understanding of this complex and beautiful ecosystem. Ultimately the film celebrates the unique role public lands play in salmon production while reminding us that proper management can support commercial fisheries, subsistence, recreation, and healthy forests.


The Salmon Forest

2017 US 30 min
Festival Year: 2018
Types: Documentary, Short, Watch Now
Topic: Freshwater & Oceans, Sustainable Living

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