Writer and naturalist Joe Hutto was given the opportunity to raise wild turkeys from the moment they hatched. Deep in the wilds of Florida’s Flatlands, Hutto spent each day out and about with his new family of 16 poults, roosting with them, taking them foraging, and immersing himself in their world. In the process, they revealed their charming curiosity and surprising intellect until the day came when he had to let his ‘children’ grow up and go off on their own. This was harder than he ever imagined. Joe’s narration combined with an actor’s recreation of the story, leads the viewer on an emotional journey of discovery. Based on Hutto’s true story in the book, “Illumination in the Flatwoods.”

Produced by David Allen.

My Life as a Turkey

2011 GB 52 min
Festival Year: 2012
Types: Documentary
Topic: Wildlife