Set in 1892, this animated adventure follows 15-year-old aristocrat Sasha as she leaves behind her comfortable Saint Petersburg life in the hopes of tracking down and saving her beloved grandfather, a famous explorer who has gone missing near the North Pole. Sacha has always been fascinated by the adventurous life of her grandfather Oloukine and has the same calling to be an explorer. But Sacha’s parents, who already made arrangements for her marriage, strongly disapprove the idea to say the least. Defying her destiny, Sacha flees her home and launches an adventure-filled quest toward the Great North in search of Oloukine and his ship.

Directed by Rémi Chayé.


Long Way North

2016 FR, DK 81 min
Festival Year: 2017
Types: Animation, Narrative
Topic: Freshwater & Oceans