The political drama Chasing The Hill follows a California Congresswoman (Emmy-nominee Robin Weigert – “Calamity Jane” from Deadwood) as she struggles for re-election. The challenger in the race is Samantha Clemmons (played by Melissa Fitzgerald), an ambitious green energy millionaire. Interspersing real politicians such as Gov. Gray Davis, Gov, Ed Rendell, Rep. Tulsi Gabbard and Terry McAuliffe with cameos by Lawrence O’Donnell, ABC’s Rick Klein and others, the series follows the strategies, highs and pitfalls of running for and holding on to elected office. Executive produced by Emmy-winner Richard Schiff (“Toby” from The West Wing) and created by Brent Roske, the series strives to create bridges between political parties, focusing on the human cost of a life in politics. Portions of the series were filmed at the Democratic Convention and the 2013 Presidential Inauguration, with many DC politicos and journalists doing cameos.