The Environmental Film Festival’s Annual Benefit Reception was held Thursday, February 7 at the Embassy of Austria. The night’s honoree was Juliet Eilperin of The Washington Post. She received DCEFF’s first ever Award for Excellence in Journalism (in the form of this beautiful shark painting).


From Left to Right: Susan Vitka (DCEFF Board Chair), Chris Head (DCEFF Executive Director), Juliet Eilperin, H.E. Ambassador Wolfgang Waldner, Dr. Enric Sala (National Geographic, Explorer in Residence)


Ms. Eilperin is The Post‘s senior national affairs correspondent, covering how the new administration is transforming a range of U.S. policies and the federal government itself. She is the author of two books — one on sharks and another on Congress, not to be confused with each other — and has worked for The Postsince 1998. She previously served as The Post’s House of Representatives correspondent and national environmental reporter.