Forging a New Ethic

“What we need is a new ethic in which every person changes lifestyle, attitude, and behavior.” – Achim Steiner, Executive Director, UN Environment Program. Directed and produced by Alice Day […]

Top Priority

A Lt. General (ret.) says that a top priority is raising consciousness in the military about the need for protection of the environment for future generations. As long as the […]

Environmental Pathways to Peace Building

Building peace parks, sharing common ecosystem needs, such as access to scarce potable water, and providing children and adults with first-hand experience of nature, are presented as specific, do-able strategies […]

Ecosystems, War and Climate Change

Four scientists describe the impact of climate change on wildlife and fragile ecosystems, and underline the destructive role of warfare in undermining our capacity to protect and sustain our essential […]

What We Have Left Behind In Iraq

An Iraq war veteran who served two deployments tells what he saw we are leaving behind in Iraq and recorded with over 3,000 photos. Directed and produced by Alice Day […]