Festival Year: 2020

Chema Domenech

Roles: Director

Chema moved to Montana in 2017 and started working in blue-chip natural history sequences and films as an Assistant Camera for Emmy award-winning cinematographer Dawson Dunning. Since then, he has continued working as an Assistant Camera and Camera Operator for wildlife-focused productions such as Smithsonian Channel’s Epic Yellowstone (Grizzly Creek Films) and National Geographic’s America (Wildstar Films – In Production). Chema is finishing his MFA in Science and Natural History Filmmaking at Montana State University. He has received Best Student Filmmaker awards at Wild & Scenic Film Festival and New York Wild Film Festival for his film “A Walk Through The Land of 1,000 Hills,” which he completed as part of his master’s degree. Chema is a native Spanish speaker and citizen of Mexico, Spain, and the U.S.


Festival Year: 2020


A Walk Through The Land of a Thousand Hills

(US, 2019, 11min)