Festival Year: 2016

Shaun MacGillivray

Roles: Producer

Shaun MacGillivray is President of MacGillivray Freeman Films and Managing Director of the company’s One World One Ocean Campaign, a multi-year, multi-platform ocean media initiative aimed at inspiring greater public awareness about the world’s oceans.

Producer of the award-winning 3D giant-screen films Humpback Whales, Journey To The South Pacific, To The Arcticand Grand Canyon Adventure, MacGillivray is also producing the company’s forthcoming film Everest: Conquering Thin Air(working title). The son of Academy Award®-nominated filmmaker Greg MacGillivray, Shaun grew up on film locations all around the world. To capture the breath-taking footage seen in National Parks Adventure, he and the crew travelled to more than 30 U.S. National Parks.

Festival Year: 2016


National Parks Adventure

(US, 2016, 43min)