Despite its natural beauty and rich history, Jamaica Bay was New York City’s dumping ground for decades. Towering landfills created landscapes of garbage. Jets scream overhead constantly as they take off at JFK Airport. Four sewage treatment plants discharge millions of gallons into the bay every day. And recently, plans have been announced that could fill in hundreds of acres of Jamaica Bay to build the runways needed to handle future air traffic increases at the airport. But the bay’s neighbors have developed a close relationship with the body of water that has defined, provided for and, most recently, threatened their lives and livelihoods, thanks to Hurricane Sandy. In the process of re-discovering their historical relationship to the water and natural habitats of Jamaica Bay, local residents have been transformed into urban environmentalists now struggling to preserve this priceless resource…and their way of life.


Directed by David Sigal. Produced by Daniel Hendrick.

Saving Jamaica Bay

2015 US 76 min
Festival Year: 2016
Types: Documentary
Topic: Environmental Advocacy and Justice, Sustainable Living